Social Housing: a € 4 million call for proposals to improve the energy efficiency of 23 public residential buildings

The deadline for participation in the new call for tenders for the Energy Performance Contract of the EnerSHIFT project will expire on 20 July 2018.

The call for proposals foresees the energy requalification of 23 public residential buildings located in the provinces of La Spezia (18 buildings), Savona (3 buildings) and Imperia (2 buildings) and has a total value of over 4 million euros.

The ESCo (Energy Service Company) that will be awarded the Public Concession for the EPC contract is expected to implement energy efficiency measures aimed at a minimum target of 45% energy saving.

“It is an operation based on a no cost-mechanism for Liguria Region and foresees wide advantages for the tenants: indeed, the investments will be made by the ESCo, that will be repaid with the savings obtained”, explained the Regional Councilor for building and construction Marco Scajola. “EnerSHIFT is an important step in the evolution of the Ligurian Social Housing Operators because it represents an intelligent idea to stimulate substantial improvements despite the budget constraints affecting the Public Administrations”.

The retrofitting projects plan two phases: the first, devoted to the implementation of the energy savings interventions, will last a maximum of 14 months, providing for energy efficiency measures that will achieve a minimum saving of 45% compared to the baseline of historical consumption.
The second phase, set in 12 years, concerns the energy management of the buildings and the heating systems, the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and the supply of the energy carriers.
This provided, the Public Concession provides for two patterns of remuneration:
– the payment of an EPC-fee which includes the energy efficiency measures, the management of the heating systems, ordinary maintenance, extraordinary maintenance on efficiency interventions carried out by the provider and the supply of the energy carrier;
– an extra-fee remuneration as payment for additional extraordinary maintenance works, corresponded on the basis of the price lists and unit labour prices discounted by 25%.

The call is published at European level.

In the following months, further calls for tender will be published by EnerSHIFT: indeed, over 5 million € will be invested in energy efficiency through public procurement for works thanks to ERDF co-financing.


Download here the summary sheet of the EPC call for tender (EN)

Surf the official call for tender on the website of Regione Liguria (IT)

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    Giuseppe Sorgente


    [email protected]

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